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Debi Arach Children's Center

Aida Khachatryan, Director

Movses Khorenatsi 38/1 


+37491426120; +37499451337

Über uns

The residents of Gyumri, Armenia's second largest city have endured very devastating realities. The tragic 1988 Spitak Earthquake claimed the lives of 25,000 people and left more than 100,000 residents homeless, and plagued with unemployment and rampant poverty for years to come. In turn, the fate of children in Gyurmi has also been affected. Dealing with the difficulty of finding means to feed and care for their families, many parents are unable to provide their children with the proper guidance, supervision and the financial resources for them to excel in school and have a successful future. Families struggling with these extreme conditions must often place their children in one of several orphanages to try to have their daily needs met. The Debi Arach Children's Center, which in Armenian means "moving forward," will help these socially vulnerable children by providing them with the support and guidance they need to succeed in life. Through sponsorship of this important project The Paros Foundation, will establish a children's center providing the necessary academic, psychological, social and humanitarian support to ensure that the children mature to well adjusted, successful, young adults. The new center will provide 100 students with opportunities to receive counseling, homework help and tutoring along with English, Math, Art/Design, and Computer classes. Additionally, a well-balanced and nutritious meal will be provided daily. The Center, which will be open six days a week, will be able to serve two groups of 50 students for three days each per week. In order to address another very important need for children in Gyumri, supervised bathing facilities will be available for the children's use. Each child attending the center will be able to use the showers twice a week should they desire. Strict supervision will be assigned in order to ensure the privacy and safety of the children.

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