Hairenik Weekly & Armenian Newspapers
Pauline Getzoyan, Editor
80 Bigelow Ave
02472 Watertown, MA
Über uns
In a nutshell, the Armenian Weekly is an English-language newspaper belonging to the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), a nationalist and democratic socialist political party founded in 1890. In addition to its role as a political outlet, it also holds a high bar for journalistic standards and reports on news of relevance to the global Armenian diaspora. It is preceded by its Armenian-language counterpart, the Hairenik, founded in 1899, which is the longest-running Armenian-language newspaper in the world. In June 1932, a column in English appeared in the Hairenik to address the needs of English-speaking Armenians. The response was so positive that by March 1934 the Hairenik Weekly, entirely in English, began publication, mostly through the efforts of young volunteer contributors. Today, along with news of general interest to the Armenian-American community, the Armenian Weekly publishes editorials, political analyses, regular columns, short stories and poems. The newspaper, while reflecting the ARF and Armenian National Committee (ANC) of America, is also open to a wide variety of views and opinions in which the pros and cons of issues can be discussed openly and honestly. Youth activities are still reported in each issue, upcoming events are announced in the calendar and cultural activities are reported through music, dance and movie reviews.