Telepace Armenia
Tigran Avalyan
Via del Mascherino, 69
00193 Rome
Über uns
The "Telepace Armenia" column was born within the Telepace broadcaster on 15 September 2005 on the initiative of Monsignor Raphael Minassian who is its founder and current President. Starting from June 2010, by express wish of His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX, "Telepace Armenia" is included in the "Media and Telecommunication Commission" of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate. Telepace Armenia, following Telepace, is a non-profit organization and lives on charity and donations excluding any advertising revenue. Instrument at the service of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate, its objectives are: to spread the message of peace and evangelical love and the teachings of the Church, to provide extensive information on the religious and cultural activities of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate in the world, to disseminate the riches of the religious heritage and cultural culture of the Armenians, announcing the love of Christ to every man, especially to the loneliest and most needy.