United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Gohar Grigoryan, Director
14, Karapet Ulnetsu Street
Über uns
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the non-proselytizing humanitarian relief and development agency of the United Methodist Church. For 70 years UMCOR has responded to natural or human-made disasters with a mission to alleviate human suffering by delivering aid to people regardless of their race, religion, politics, or gender. The UMCOR provides transitional development and relief assistance internationally through field-based missions by working collaboratively with local communities to assist them in restoring social stability, revitalizing community structures, and empowering their members to retake control of their lives. UMCOR NGO is headquartered in New York City, U.S.A, with nine field offices in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia. The United Methodist Committee on Relief non-governmental organization established office in Armenia in 1994.