Zentralrat der Armenier in Deutschland e.V.
Jonathan Spangenberg
Postfach 703040
60567 Frankfurt
Über uns
The Central Council of Armenians in Germany e.V. is an association of Armenians living in Germany, their communities and organisations. It is registered under the name The Central Council of Armenians in Germany e.V. (ZAD), and registered at the Associations Registry of Frankfurt am Main and has thereby acquired legal capacity. The ZAD has its seat in Frankfurt am Main. Its sphere of activity is not limited to the seat. The ZAD is politically and religiously neutral. The ZAD is the central umbrella organization of the Armenians, Armenian communities and associations in the Federal Republic of Germany. It serves to represent the interests of the Armenians living in Germany at the federal level and to promote understanding between the peoples of the Federal Republic of Germany, based on the principle of voluntariness and excluding party-political aspects and the Republic of Armenia. The ZAD also endeavors to arouse international interest in the historical experiences of the Armenians and their social and cultural development in order to counteract the danger of a renewed outbreak of racial discrimination and persecution. His tasks are: Promotion and coordination of the cultural and charitable activities of the members, member communities and associations; General youth promotion and care in terms of identity promotion and integration of young people within the framework of the "Children and Youth Welfare Act" of 1990; Support for efforts that serve cooperation with German organizations and cultural exchange and the promotion of coexistence between Germans and Armenians.• Cooperation with the Armenian organizations in Armenia, in the European Union and in other countries; Expansion and promotion of communication and cooperation between the Armenians and all of their organizations in Germany