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Cercle d'Amitié France-Artsakh


À propos de nous

The France-Artsakh Friendship Circle was created on March 19, 2013. It now brings together nearly seventy political leaders, whether they are deputies, senators, mayors or other elected officials. The Circle aims to support the Republic of Artsakh in its fight for international recognition. The Circle considers that only this recognition will guarantee the right to existence and the exercise of fundamental rights of the Armenian population of this self-determined state, and that it alone will make possible the stability and security of the South Caucasus. Through its action, the Circle promotes a form of parliamentary diplomacy, complementary to France's foreign policy in the region and the efforts deployed by the OSCE Minsk Group – co-chaired by France, the United States and Russia. – aimed at finding a political solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The action of the Circle is in line with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, in their dimension of Humanitarian Law as well as in their dimension of Fundamental Rights. The France-Artsakh Friendship Circle is open to any French elected official.

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