Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia
H.G. Primate Bishop Kirakos Davtyan
5, Samghebro Street
105 Tbilisi
Մեր մասին
Saint George (Surb Gevorg) church in Tpghis (Tbilisi) city is the Headquarters of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia since the 13th century. It was built in 1251. The Diocesan Headquarters leads the spiritual life of the Armenian population in Georgia, promotes the concentration of the Armenian community around the Armenian Church, organizes educational, cultural, youth events aimed at maintenance of the Armenian identity and national values, properly celebrates all the feasts of the Armenian Church, keeps traditions and rituals. The Diocesan Headquarters also manages the activities of the churches that operates under the auspices of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, collaborates with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia, non-governmental organizations and creative unions functioning in Georgia. The functions of the Diocesan Headquarters include the reception of guests. The mission partners of the Diocesan Headquarters are Ministry of Diaspora, Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Youth, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Vartan Jinishian Memorial Foundation.