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German-Armenian Society/Deutsch-Armenische Gesellschaft

Dr. Raffi Kantian, Chairman

Ferdinand-Wallbrecht-Strasse 64

30163 Hannover


About us

The German-Armenian Society was founded in 1914 in Berlin. Among the founding members were Johannes Lepsius, Protestant pastor and first chairman, the journalist Paul Rohrbach and the Armenian writer Avetik Issahakyan. Lepsius took this initiative against the background of the deteriorating situation of the situation of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, which one year later led to the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians. It is above all Lepsius' efforts that the extent of this genocide became known in Germany. The German-Armenian Society (DAG) promotes understanding between Armenians and Germans, protects the interests of Armenians living in Germany and advocates for the rights and interests of Armenian minorities in Turkey and other countries in the Near and Middle East. The DAG, in addition to the historical memory and the present development of the German-Armenian relations, Armenia's interconnections with Europe and the - sometimes conflictual - interrelations with the countries of the region, raises Armenia's profile by including science, economy and culture. The DAG organizes scientific conferences, series of lectures - for some time now as the "Berlin Series of the German-Armenian Society - Digital" -, exhibitions and informs regularly and extensively in the social media. Since 1973 the DAG publishes a high-quality periodical, the "Armenian-German Correspondence" (ADK), the only print medium on "Armenia" in the German-speaking world.

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