Prof. Dr. Gregor Kasprian
Neuroradiologist, Medical University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 23
1090 Wien
About us
Clinically I serve as a neuroradiologist with specific background in pediatric neuroradiology. My scientific interest lies in the field of developmental neuroimaging. My group and me were active in introducing and applying advanced MR imaging techniques to study the connectivity and even function of the human brain. We have pioneered the field of "fetal neuroradiology" by applying these techniques in prenatal brain imaging. My personal background in neurology and neuroanatomy facilitated his studies on fetal brain structure and function. As vice president of the Austrian Society of Neuroradiology I am involved in the clinical translation of our findings. As member of the board of directors of the International Research Consortium (IRC5: I am trying to connect neuroimaging research in the field of developmental neuroimaging with patients and their specific needs.